Scotlands' largest floatation wellness centre is now also home to our Premium Fire and Ice Experience Suite and our Therapy Rooms.​
We have everything you need to look after your Mind, Body and Soul in complete luxury.

What is Floating?
With more than 525kg of the highest grade Epsom salt, you will float effortlessly in our State of the Art Float pods for 60 minutes.
You are in complete control of your float, the lights and music can be on or off, whatever helps you to relax.
Floating helps to relieve the tension created by external life pressures and this will refresh your mind, reset your body and restore your health to new levels

Make FLOAT a part of your self care routine and reap the rewards.
Our staff will welcome you to our centre and give you a full walkthrough of the floating process to ensure that you're informed and comfortable.
You will enter your own, deluxe private float suite and take a shower before starting your session to ensure any oils, dirt, makeup and perfumes are removed.
It may take you some time to get used to the unique environment of the float pod. Do not be concerned by this, it's normal.
We encourage you to focus on your breath and try to let go and if your mind wanders, be mindful of it and focus on your breath again.
Post-Float Glow
As the end of your session approaches, gentle music will start to fill the pod.
After your session you will shower again to remove any salt and are welcome to enjoy your 'post float glow' in our post float room..
Avoid caffeine and other stimulants on the day of your float to make it easier for your body and mind to relax.
Try to ensure that you are well hydrated before your session, but don't drink too much, you don't want to be running to the toilet mid float.
It's best to have a light meal an hour or so before your session, so you are not floating with either a full or empty stomach.
Please don't shave before your float session. The Epsom salt may sting making it more difficult to relax and enjoy your float
Find your position - Everyone has different preferences: arms above head, pointed up at your side, or down by your body. It can help to switch your arm position if you don't feel like you are comfortable.
Take deep breaths and keep your attention on that breathing process. This will allow you to clear your busy mind and focus your attention to allow you to deeply relax.
Don't worry about missing the end of your session by obsessing over the time. Try to return your focus to your breath and know that the music in the pod will let you know when your session is over.
We recommend floating in the nude to ensure there are no external restrictions on your body.
There is no 'correct' way to float, each and every session is different. You cannot float incorrectly, each individuals experience will differ. Breathe, let go and relax to go deeper.

Where is FLOAT
Get to know us
We are FLOAT.
We are conveniently located in Bathgate, West Lothian with close links to the M8.
Our aim is to bring about positive changes in your life both physically and mentally, through the power of effortless floating.